Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Yule Daybreak

The darkest night blue
layers deep 'til stars blink dim
saturates light blue hues
into whitest snow, darkest wood
green blue pine needles point
lavender love resonate
a breath to daylight blue

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Emotional Maturity through Eckhart Tolle

This is what our current weather upheavals teach us if we are willing to listen... it is time for us to seek emotional maturity.


Miyo-wahkohtowina through Eckhart Tolle

These teachings are prime within a healthy relationship with ourself and with our outside world. Respect, unity, honour, affinity, love for all pimatisiwin (life) is the standards of our contemporary stage.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spaces Of Fullness

Spaces Of Fullness

there is movement in
           stillness opens
               channels of energy
                     pure and innocent
                      filling    spaces      in my mind
                                                                               peace residing  in      spaces

                                             my heart opens
                                        listening to the abandoned
         planes of existence where
                         ghosts of Ancient Ones
     give glances of hope         of humble awareness
          life’s illusions        a moment                                          a breath
   a moment’s existence in the body of
All That Is….    Was….
                                                              Ever Will Be….

                                                     a moment shared         in infinity

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Naked Pilgrim & Dressed Scholar

Poets stand vulnerable

naked of syntax rules

vulnerable to context

    open arms


emotional continuums

grounded in printed imagery.


    Time to dress.


Clothed in reason

circumstance fabricated in pockets of theory

methodological layers of connections

discriminations pattern the clash of

racial colors

arguments well ironed into the seams.


Questions shiver for another layer

to cover the naked pilgrim

or make hot and uncloak

the dressed scholar.

tears salt my eyes to no sight

nothing but feeling remains

vulnerability escapes my ribs

racking sobs

fists clench hopelessness to heart

acid pains my throat with

        fear left unsaid

he walks with suitcases in hand

without a backward glance into my eyes.

Social Skills


warp me in your social definitions

until I can no longer breathe

regulate me with your legal jargon

until I have no space

box me in your psychological labels

    until I have no identity


        and then


educate me in your written histories

    until my life extends your own.